Frequently Asked Questions
Below you'll find answers to some questions we get asked on a regular basis:
How much does it cost?
Membership starts at £485 +VAT for qualified status. You can view our different membership levels here.
Do I need to have a recognised coaching qualification?
Although a reputable Coaching qualification is desirable for each tier, it is not essential as each accreditation is supported by the coach’s portfolio, measured success stories and client satisfaction. In some cases, this alone has been enough to validate an accreditation over an awarding qualification. Depending on how you measure within our coaching metric in both the submission and telephone assessment, you will obtain 1 of 3 coaching levels.
What gives you the authority and remit to accredit?
Our diligence and quality are underpinned by 3 key areas that contribute to the credibility of our CoE accreditation. The backing of an independent expert advisory board who have designed and mandated our assessment process. The assessment is aligned to both the Professional Charter for Coaching & Mentoring Code of Ethics and The Association for Coaching Code of Ethics and A collection of established coaches known as ‘The Founding Members’ who have demonstrable records in clients’ testimonials.
What is the Coaching Code of Ethics?
A guidance document rather than a legally binding one that sets the expectation of best practice in coaching and mentoring promoting the development of professional excellence. Its content and disciplines align within our accreditation and assessment process.
How long does the process take?
We say it takes up to 8 weeks to get fully accredited and the assessment is conducted in 2 parts. A submission document and a 45 minute telephone appointment with an assessor.
What if I don't pass the accreditation/assessment?
First thing is, we do not have a pass/fail philosophy. We work with coaches and clients during the assessment period to ensure that we are satisfied with the competency and quality of your coaching practice - hence why we say it can take up to 8 weeks to accredit. Secondly, the qualifying criteria for each of the 3 Coaching accreditations guides your compatibility and confidence in joining the Coach of Excellence community. If you feel you are ever borderline between any of the 3 tiers, always opt for the lower tier. The assessor can always re-evaluate this should you qualify for a higher tier.
What is the qualifying criteria?
It depends on what membership level you choose. Please visit this page to check the criteria.
Who is the Expert Advisory Board?
It’s composed of academics from Kingston University Business School, The Science Council, the Professionalism Group, Memberwise, The Law Society and All Track record as well as professional bodies, industry experts and employers who follow excellent CPD practices. As an organisation who also sits on the CPD forum with all 2000+ institutions and as a result, the organisation and trustmark are recognised both internationally and by 2,000+ regulators, professional bodies and institutions in the UK.
Want To Know How To Enhance Your Credibility By Becoming A Coach Of Excellence?
Simply click the button below to learn how to enhance your credibility in a competitive marketplace by validating your coaching experiences and influences beyond a formal qualification:
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